E-Cigarettes : healthy or dangerous .
Ban on e cigarettes has many skeptical eyes over it. As icmr (Indian council of medical research) claim it as dangerous and on another hand private investors project it as a revolutionary avatar of technology to save people from addiction of smoking .
Scientists have claimed that it damages people multiple parts as it releases nicotine in smoke form that in the end affects many parts but private players demur this statement and ask for proof . Question is not about good or bad , concern is about people's health . People are dying because of cigarettes now should we allow them to use e cigarettes giving them a sense of relief that this may help them to leave consumption of cigarettes but what if it instead of curing them makes their life vulnerable ...... in the end the only way to be as fit as a fiddle use traditional ways instead of asking science to create something else to make us slaves . This is right time to focus on meditation and other traditional controlling activities.
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